
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

23:52 - Days of Insomniac


Few days after Eid Fitr, I can't sleep like normal. My sleeping time are messy and uncontrolable. I sleep up to 12 PM and wake up at 5 AM, then I was sleepy around 2 PM but I can't rest my eyes even for a second. 

One night, I watched Avengers and some other heroes movie on cable tv. After few hours, my eyes never gets sleepy, obviously it gets more actively with playing games and scrolling on the phone. I've tried to drink hot tea, hot chocolate and hot water to rest my body but still can't resist the power of "eyes open widely". 

Suddenly I tried to change my nap time. I played and watched korean drama with slow storyline. I tried to wake up during nap time and afternoon. Just because I had to sleep and feel tired to sleep early at night. 

Somehow, it works even just for one day. But sure, at night I sleep early, until midnight. After midnight, I just turn my body to left and right, pull up my blanket, checked on my phone til I realize it's near dawn, shubuh time. I prayed then tried to sleep again, well yeah I slept. I slept not very soundly but it's enough I think. 

I really don't know exactly what happens to my body and my sleep time. I tried to figure it out but maybe it just because I can't leave the Ramadhan vibes. Maybe. Now, I'm fasting again because it is Syawal so yeah, I can't really move on from Ramadhan vibes, even in my routine I always miss adzan Magrib hhahah :D 

How's your day after leaving Ramadhan? Is it good? Hope you'll continue your daily routine like you did in Ramadhan and the days after. See you in next Ramadhan

See you

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