Last week I watched Toy Story 4 aaanndd it was a great great great animation movie I ever watched. Know what? There's a lot meaning about this movie more than just an animation and kids movie. It's bigger than that, greater than that and the better version of toys we've all thinking this whole time.
Sorry for spoiler, but who's not enjoying spoiler right? So, this is really my honest opinion and review about this movie, so just chill out. After all this time, I figured out that Woody is a positive thinker and open-minded person (toy, i guess). But, after all this time, I thought Woody was so comforted being Andy's toy, cowboy toy. Then years after, Andy got into college and he gave his toys to Bonnie, a child with a happy personality and playing well with her toys.

When Bonnie play her toys, she's often playing with Woody, she prefer play with other toy until she went to her first day at school, she made a new toy. Woody saw that and he said to his fellow toys at home that they had to encourage Bonnie so she doesn't fear to anyone anymore. Long story short, at the end when Woody wants to join again with his fellow toys to be back with Bonnie, Buzz tell him that it's okay if Woody feel comfortable by not being around Bonnie, well Woody then met Bo Peep, his crush at Andy's house. So I guess, Woody now find his comfortable home, his comfort zone, Bo Peep.
After post credit, I felt really sad and not moving from my seat because I need to clear my glasses and think again about the message inside the movie. I guess, it's really really great to watch this Toy Story 4. I mean, well, at this age, not so young anymore, I can relate very well what Woody felt.
What if people don't need you anymore? What if, after whole this time, the place you think you were safe, comfort, lively and peacefully is not really your place? What if the "home" you're living until today is not the "home" you've been looking for? What if your happiness is out there, with your first crush that you've been searching for a long time? What if not really a toy? I guess, Woody is like us, human. He's a toy, I know. But everything he did, it's really an action that we're doubting to do, even for ourselves.
And yes, I, uhmm...should watch this again. Really appreciate the whole team in Toy Story 4. Thank you for bringing a positive way of thinking about friendship and living the life we should. Thank you, you made my day. And, thank you Woody, for showing me living the life to infinity and beyond.
See you