I've watched "Kim Jiyeong Born 1982" at the cinema couple weeks ago. So yeah, this movie is a very relatable one from every woman in this world. If you are a girl, a woman, a daughter, a wife, an in-law, and every status you've carried on your shoulder and still struggling between career and family, you have to see this movie as soon as possible. It's a must watch movie every woman could die for.

From the first scene to the last, it brings a lot of message and life qoute that really related to our life. We, women out there, we're having all the non-deniable-choices even when we are surrounded by our closest relatives. We might be living the life happily ever after like people said but who knows inside our heart right? We're having an intense battle inside our mind and heart, we can't choose which one is better because we want choose them all at the same time, and we can't really represent ourselves to the world because some people think that we are woman, its a nature that we are on the weak side. But hey, every woman is a superhero for everyone around them. Please don't underestimate woman around you.
Last but not the least, appreciate and take care of people you care about specially someone that always put effort and attention to every little thing in your life. They never say to us that they need feedback from their actions but we must know that they really need our attention too, even for a small action. I do realize this movie will bring some speculation, criticize or negatives review about the theme of woman in household and career but we can't avoid that situation, because it's real, it's happening around us. So, be careful of what you think, you say and you do to woman. You better keep silent.
See you