
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Something Big Is Coming


Well, for the past month I've been feeling unwell. Maybe because I always procrastinating some works at home and office. Uhm...and I just know that Path already saying goodbye to all users and before it really closed down, I've been scrolling until the very first I've ever posted. Something about love and unfinished thing about that, giving hint and code, and some more hahahha :P

And...oh yeah, I almost forgot about my daily life. I've been really stressed this past week because some works didn't go well as I think. Even after work hours I always think that I never had enough time to do all the works in the meantime. After going home, I always feel tired and never got to think or doing some works left in office. And in the morning, I'm feeling like "I wish tomorrow never come". So tired to do all the jobs these days with less member at office. Well, I'm not that grumpy person but puh-leaseeee give me time, I can't do this all alone T.T

Uhm...I guess too much story to share hhaha :P That's all I can share, because tomorrow in the morning, I need to faced the truth: Monday Morning, again. Hate to accept the reality but yeah, that's life, and life must goes on, right? See you all Monday fighters, keep fighting!

See you

Monday, September 17, 2018

We Don't Stay Down


Alhamdulillah the project that all EXO-L waiting is finally out! Chanyeol and Sehun doing the best duet so far, from SM Station and for EXO sub unit. And yeah, the song is really easy listening and it has a lot of meaning, simple but catchy. I have to tell you before you watch this MV, Sehun's abs oh myy...I can't stand for long, puh-leaseeee let me stay sane Sehun-ahh

Don't worry, whatever it is
It doesn't matter where you are
Throw away all things that are passing
You can cover your ears for a bit

So we don't stay down
Cuz we don't stay down
Cuz we don't stay down
Cuz we don't stay down
 *Chanyeol, Sehun - We Young

See you

Blue Sky

The sky is so blue and the building is colorful, so do I

Taken @ Tamansari, Bandung
Canon EOS M10
F/8 ISO-100

Monday, September 3, 2018

To Infinity and Beyond


I've seen people with many dreams trying to make it real. I do have dreams too. Not only about going on vacation or being rich, it's all about passion. I've dream about bungee jumping, someday if I brave enough to face the bottom of the tower. I've dream about paragliding too, but I'm not strong enough. But yeah, we're all have dream, right? 

Lalu, bertahun-tahun aku menulis bucket list meskipun banyak yang berubah tapi pada akhirnya aku selalu stuck di satu point, kapan aku bisa mewujudkan semua bucket listku ini? Mungkin tidak semua, mungkin satu persatu akan aku wujudkan tapi aku selalu berpikir bisa engga sih aku melakukan ini? Atau ini hanya angan-angan doang? Bisa jadi aku pengen karena cerita orang lain atau dengar pengalaman orang yang udah pernah melakukan atau pergi ke suatu tempat. Bisa jadi aku cuma penasaran. Bisa jadi aku gamau kalah. Bisa jadi aku ga pengen disebut katro. Bisa jadi juga, aku cuma menulis aja tanpa ada usaha untuk mewujudkannya. 

Aku yakinkan diriku sendiri kalo aja seandainya aku benar-benar bisa melakukan semua daftar keinginanku. Aku yakinkan diriku setiap hari. Aku berubah untuk bisa benar-benar yakin kalo aku ga sekedar ngejar kemauan orang lain tapi karena aku emang punya tekad untuk mewujudkan mimpiku. Aku nabung, mulai dari uang recehan sisa jajan sampe ngurangin maen ke mall. Aku merubah kebiasaanku yang sering pulang malem karena maen dulu atau makan malam diluar mulu, jadi makan dirumah dan makan makanan yang lebih terjangkau kualitasnya. Aku merubah mindsetku untuk selalu percaya kalo aku berusaha sekeras mungkin, hasilnya ga mungkin membuatku menyesal. Tapi aku ga pernah memasang harapan terlalu tinggi, karena aku juga sadar sih usahaku ga sekeras pemikiranku hhahha :P lagian kalopun hasilnya jauh lebih tinggi dari yang diharapkan, kan aku sendiri juga yang merasakan. 

Dan, sampe segede ini aku masih punya mimpi yang ga muluk-muluk kok. Masih simpel dan masih bisa dijangkau sama aku, kalo akunya usaha hhahah :P mungkin untuk sebagian orang bermimpi itu ada batasnya, apalagi kalo udah dewasa. Dewasa itu pilihan, sama seperti mimpi. Kita sendiri yang memilih untuk terus bermimpi atau ikut arus begitu aja.

Ga masalah kalo ikut aturan yang udah dibuat, tapi tetap kita kudu punya prinsip sendiri kalo mimpi kita ga boleh dibatasi oleh aturan orang lain. Karena mimpi itu, kita sendiri yang buat, kita sendiri yang mengusahakan, kita sendiri juga yang merasakan. Iya ga? Iyain aja lah biar cepet. Pegel gue nulis segini aja udah berkali-kali nguap karena ngantuk. Maklum kurang tidur abis nonton drakor :) Oh iya ketemu pemain-pemain di drakor dan artis kpop termasuk dalam bucket listku, mungkin suatu saat aku bisa ketemu di fan meeting atau konser gitu atau mungkin juga suatu saat aku bisa ke korea hhahahha namanya juga mimpi kan bisa pengen apa aja yekaann?

Well, up till now I've been so much satisfied with what I've been achieved, so far. Karena dibalik orang-orang yang merendahkan, nyinyir dan julid, akan ada rasa semangat tinggi untuk membuktikan diri kita ga serendah yang mereka pikirkan. So, keep on fighting! Cheers to more dreams to come, achieved and hardworking days. To infinity and beyond, dreams and make it real :)

See you

I Would Give Up Today



I've been waiting for other woman singer, a new one, I guess. Beside Adele, I've never heard any broken hearted songs again hhahahah...Well, Amy Shark did it. She represented the song very well and I love it. Uhm...I love her messy hair, reminds me of Serena in Gossip Girl but Amy choose dark brown or brunette for her style in this music video.

Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well
You've been asleep while I've been in hell
Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day
I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me
*Amy Shark - I Said Hi

See you